An ADHD collaborative care pathway

education, assessment and support

Our Vision

ADHD is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder affecting children and adults across the lifespan. It is also the most easily managed with life changing impact. Research demonstrates up to 5% of the population lives with ADHD. Yet ADHD presents in up to 50% of the incarcerated, addicted and homeless. ADHD co-exists with poor educational and occupational outcomes, relationship challenges, loneliness, depression, anxiety and suicidality. The social and economic impact is growing since first assessed at $14b per year in 2019.
At ADHDx we believe this must change and are leading the way. Bringing together a team of experts in their fields we are developing screening tools, education programs for those living and working on the ADHD front line, and accessible and effective collaborative care pathways to help navigate life with ADHD.


Development of a collaborative care pathway for ADHD.
Development of ADHD education and training for clinicians.
Education and training for carers and staff working with ADHD in their community.
Development of screening tools for ADHD in clinical and non-clinical settings.
Consultation and review of current ADHD management guidelines.


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Dr Geoff Kewley

Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician.

Geoff has managed thousands of people with ADHD over many years, both in Australia and in the UK, where for 23 years he developed and ran a nationally recognized service for people with ADHD. He was at the forefront of increasing ADHD awareness in the UK, co-founded ADDISS, the parent support group, and for many years chaired the ADHD special interest group 'George Still Forum' within the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. He has written three books on ADHD and many articles. He now runs a practice for children and youth with ADHD and related conditions in Sydney.

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Chris Brideson

Business Consultant. Chris has over 30 years’ experience in consulting on strategy, governance and risk, primarily in the Financial Services industry. He has lived experience of ADHD.
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Scott Beachley

Legal and commercial advisor, group principal of a specialist for-purpose practice serving the legal, compliance, risk and governance needs of the sector after decades in the corporate world. Scott is on the National and International Boards of a global community of mutual support groups for addictive behaviour, chaired a youth mentoring and therapy charity for several years and founded and lead a digital mental health social enterprise.

Brooke Fogarty

ADHD coach, certified through ADDCA, a member of ADHD Coaches Australasia, ICF and AADPA. Brooke is a parent of children who have ADHD. In the last 25 years she has built a strong foundation in the corporate world - in advertising, marketing and design in Sydney - and built a successful brand development and UX studio. Concurrently she pursued a B.Psych.Science and completed comprehensive training with ADDCA. This enhanced her understanding of ADHD, management and support, which preceded a career pivot and establishment of her ADHD coaching business. Brooke has lived experience of ADHD and works to improve the perception of ADHD, while acknowledging and supporting the associated challenges.

Contact Us

If you would like to know more about any of our projects please contact us using the form below.

(Please note: this form is not intended for diagnosis, treatment or emergency mental health care. If you are experiencing difficulties with ADHD please contact your mental health care provider or go to ADHD Coaches Australasia to view the list of accredited ADHD coaches in Australia - any one of them can help you to find the support you need. If you are experiencing an emergency please call 000)

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